The goop Podcast

The Skin-Gut Connection

February 28, 2019 In partnership with our friends at Cathay Pacific
The Skin-Gut Connection
“People get used to sometimes feeling a certain way, and they don't know that they could feel better,” says naturopathic doctor and aesthetician Nigma Talib. “I think when people get the taste of what it’s like to feel optimal, they quite often stick to it.” Working with Talib is fascinating because she can connect how you’re feeling to what’s happening in your gut to the way your skin looks. And then she helps you fix it all. She wrote about this process in a book called Younger Skin Starts in the Gut. And as the title suggests, Talib is also known for her approach to aging gracefully—and not prematurely. "Aging is beautiful," she says. "There's something about having those gorgeous expression lines."

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