In goop Health 2024: What We Learned—and What We Took Home with Us
A recap of our twelfth in-person wellness summit.

The Rise of Ozempic Microdosing
Emerging research reveals that GLP-1 medications could offer health benefits far beyond weight loss.

Inside the World of Luxury Matchmaking Services
Three top high-end firms share the secrets of the trade.

The 21-Day Program that Supports Gut Health
A review of Clean 21.

5 Supplements to Support Brain Health as You Age
With the right care, we can all maintain healthy cognition well into old age, says Kristine Profeta, MD. Her…

Winter Horoscopes for Every Sign
Pluto has shifted into Aquarius for the next two decades, so—ready or not—change is here, our astrologer Nisha Prakash…

A Therapist’s Journey to Healing Unresolved Trauma
Therapist Annie Armstrong Miyao pens a moving personal essay about carrying past traumas—and, finally, finding compassion and resilience.

Editors’ Picks: 10 Gifts for Wellness Nerds
From a high-tech sleep mask to a first-of-its-kind weighted pillow, these are the gifts we’re most likely to add…

Learning to Recognize—and Heal from—Toxic Productivity
Psychotherapist and writer Israa Nasir shares how to identify—and heal from—toxic productivity.

5 Steps to Letting Go of Painful Thinking Patterns
Learning to overcome our thinking may be simple, says author Joseph Nguyen, but it is not always easy: Becoming…

Abortion Rights Are on the Line This Election—Which Offices Matter Most?
Which races should you look at most closely when you head to the polls? Check out three of the…

A Q&A with the Innovative MD Who Introduced Us to Bovine Colostrum
Sarah Rahal, MD, shares her journey from pediatric neurologist to founder—along with the health crisis that changed her life.…
At goop, we believe wellness is deeply individual. One woman’s path to health may call for sobriety; another's may involve a nightly whiskey ritual. Regardless, it’s the holistic picture that matters to us, being careful never to cleave the mind from a conversation about the body, or the body from a conversation about the mind.
Our goal has always been to ask questions—about our sex lives, our spiritual lives, the food we eat, how we work out, what happens when we die—and we know we're not the only curious ones. The answers help us get closer to what "well" means to each of us individually, and we hope they’re helpful to you.
Have a wellness question you want us to ask? Drop us a line at [email protected].