The goop Podcast

SPECIAL EPISODE: Reducing Anxiety for Kids

March 25, 2020
SPECIAL EPISODE: Reducing Anxiety for Kids
Family counselor, school consultant, and educator Kim John Payne shares tips, guidelines, and resources to help parents and children adjust to this new normal. Kids feel safe, says Payne, when they sense their parents are in charge—even, and perhaps especially, in uncertain moments. Start smallish, suggests Payne: Declutter your home. Remove obvious triggers. Creating a calming environment can reduce feelings of disorientation, says Payne, which he believes are at the root of so-called misbehavior. For kids who are currently out of school, Payne says, it’s important to set up rhythms and rituals at home that mimic the structure they’re used to. But also: Be easy on yourself. Embrace boredom. It’s a doorway to deep creativity. (For more, Payne is offering listeners his Simplicity Parenting Home Practice Guide at a special introductory price.)

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