The goop Podcast

Gwyneth Paltrow x Ethan Kross: Harnessing Your Inner Voice

February 16, 2021 In partnership with our friends at Sakara
Gwyneth Paltrow x Ethan Kross: Harnessing Your Inner Voice
“When something bad is happening, we tend to focus on that problem really narrowly,” says psychologist Ethan Kross. “But if you lose the ability to step back and see the bigger picture, that's when it can become problematic.” Kross explains how negative chatter can impact our lives and how our ability to introspect can better serve us. He also walks GP through his tools to soothe our inner voice when we find ourselves ruminating. “Negative emotions like anger, sadness, anxiety—they're good for us in small doses,” says Kross. “When they become bad is when we bathe in them.” Photo courtesy of Meredith Heuer.

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