The goop Podcast

Gwyneth x Ray Dalio: Why We Can Never Be Sure We’re Right

September 19, 2019 In partnership with our friends at The One Atelier Fekkai
Gwyneth x Ray Dalio: Why We Can Never Be Sure We’re Right
“Why should you believe that just because you have an opinion that that's the right opinion?” asks Ray Dalio, founder of prestigious investment management firm Bridgewater Associates and author of Principles. GP and Dalio talk about how they hear and hold criticism, how to have tough conversations, and how we can engage in thoughtful disagreement. They explore the rare culture Dalio created at Bridgewater—one of radical transparency, where people are both encouraged and required to speak straight, and where decision-making processes are recorded so that everyone has full visibility into the choice made. And they push us into curiosity. “If you love knowing and you’re attached to knowing, it’ll stand in the way of your learning,” says Dalio. (For more, check out Ray’s app Principles in Action.)

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