Summer Horoscopes for Every Sign
Published on: June 1, 2023

Astrologer and psychic Hedy Noemi is the founder of Nymph of Neptune. She offers psychic readings, planetary birth chart analyses, and astrology-based life coaching in person or on Zoom.
This summer, Mars transits through Leo, Jupiter starts its wiggle through Aries, and Saturn continues a two-year-long journey through Aquarius. How exactly you’ll feel each planet’s impact depends on your sun sign and what part of your chart it’s moving through. Here’s the forecast.
Jupiter has just entered your wealth sector for the first time since 2011. Keep in mind this transit is about managing your finances and honing your approach to wealth, not necessarily making more money. As the sector of security, this Jupiter transit also extends to your sense of self—you should feel deeply connected to your values.
On May 21, Mars shifts gears to occupy your house of joy, creativity, and children. From now until mid-July, when Mars will ask you to return to structure and work for a while, it’s a wonderful time to cherish those you love most.
Mars and Venus will travel through the base of your horoscope almost all summer long, dear Taurus. And Uranus and Jupiter will lock horns in your sign. This is a creative (albeit restless) time for you: Know that you can expect somewhat frenetic energy this summer. But if you can channel the chaos productively, you’ll come out the other side feeling empowered.
Mars will also glance at your family life, which means needy relatives may demand extra attention—or that could be where your emotional rewards lie. Your priorities now: getting into your body (through sports or sex) and doubling down on your spiritual practice.
Your intellectual sign needs nourishment, and the next few months are excellent for philosophizing and expanding your mind. Make time for socializing with others who interest and challenge you. Get out of your comfort zone by saying yes to new opportunities for travel (even if it means staying local). Allow yourself a detour.
For Gemini writers: From May 21 until July 10 you have the gift of Mars in your communication sector, bringing fresh inspiration for whatever you want to create.
What motivates you, Cancer? Mostly love. And this summer, Mars gifts your sign an extra dose of courage. You are stronger than usual in the coming months. If you’ve lost sight of why you are pursuing certain goals, Mars will help you reconnect to your values throughout the month of June. Mars in your security sector will temporarily focus your mind on material matters, for a change.
All this year, Jupiter will expand your social circle, allowing you to connect with like-minded souls. Allow your radiance to shine through and use it to draw in the opportunities you desire most.
Mars graces your sign from May 21 until July 10, which means your creative fire will be ablaze. How will you use this time? It comes around only every two years, so channel this powerful energy wisely. It’s a joyful, sexual transit that allows you to put others on the back burner for a while and prioritize your own unique desires. Watch out for any impatience and stay focused on the task at hand.
Jupiter and Uranus are pushing you to innovate and dream bigger in your career sector. It is a high-drive period for you, and it promises to deliver if you know what you want.
As the planets sail through the top of your chart all summer, this is a time for you to be visible and play it big. Your intellectual, career, and community sectors are lit up, so use your voice and engage with the outer world. Come August, when the planets will nest in your twelfth house (representing rest and privacy), you can choose to retreat into hermit mode. Until then, enjoy this gregarious period; it promises to satisfy your intellectual sign with interesting minds.
Throughout the summer, Venus and Mars will be moving through your career and community sectors. It’s a busy time of socializing. However, Saturn wants to ensure that there is a purpose involved: It will become clear who you can trust as the truly worthwhile friendships make themselves known.
Romantic interests and close relationships will require more attention than usual, as Jupiter—which resides in your eighth house (representing intimacy) until 2024—expands the depth of your partnerships. This cycle can push you to do more inner work through the reflection of another person.
Jupiter has entered your relationship zone for the first time since 2011. Until next spring, all your closest partnerships receive a subtle boost of faith and support. However, Mars in Leo (where it will be until July 10) focuses all of your conscious efforts on work and career. Use this dynamic energy to power forward on important goals.
In Cancer season, during the crossover between July and August, your ninth house (representing travel and learning) activates. During that time, balance the desire for achievement with a more philosophical approach.
This next year is about finding the teacher in your daily environment. Jupiter in your work zone means you will have more responsibilities. The pace of your daily life will accelerate. However, so will the uplifting energy that Jupiter brings with it.
The summer is deeper for your sign than for others. Gemini season begins in your eighth house of sex and intimacy, asking you to become vulnerable. Meanwhile, Mars in your ninth house of learning promises breakthroughs in your spiritual journey until July 10.
The summer gets off to a slow start for you. Mars transits through your eighth house of vulnerability and transformation until July 10. If you are coupled up, this can take your union to a more profound level if you’re willing to do the work together. For singles, this is about recommitting to your personal truth.
Leo season will bring relief: Mars shimmies into your house of travel, exploration, and learning. It’s a time to follow your curiosity and pursue fun, thanks to Jupiter in your heart-centered fifth house.
Jupiter, the planet of faith, support, and optimism, is sitting at the base of your chart, boosting your family relationships and home life until spring 2024. This is a solid, stabilizing influence that can hold you down if you need to manage any other obstacles that might come your way due to Saturn’s transit through your sign.
Summer will bring you some levity as the planets align in your houses of intimacy, passion, and relationships. That will peak with the June 4 full moon in your social sector. While Mars is in your relationship zone until July 10, don’t let conflict or dissatisfaction get the better of you—simply pull your focus back to yourself and let this Martian wave pass.
Saturn and Jupiter are cooperating to help make your creative ideas material reality. While Jupiter is in your writing sector until spring 2024, remember that artists need time off to find inspiration. Use the summer’s slower pace to stay in your comfort zone of close friends and family so you can allow your mind to wander.
By mid-June, Uranus and Mars will be stirring up restless energy within you, so channel it through art, socializing, and conscious exploration that may improve your productivity.