
The Mother Load: The Story Behind the Protocol

The Mother Load: The Story Behind the Protocol

Dr. Serrallach

Dr. Oscar Serrallach has a special knack for helping women recover from the postnatal period (he helped our head of content get back on her feet after her first kid—all the way from his post in Australia). We worked with him to design a natal protocol that we’re calling The Mother Load to support women pre-conception, through pregnancy, and after:

A Q&A with Dr. Oscar Serrallach


Who did you design the regimen for, and who is most likely to benefit?


Many mothers-to-be are already depleted leading up to conception and pregnancy time. The extra demands of being pregnant, having a baby, and breastfeeding—all of which have years-long, lasting effects on the body—mean that moms require a lot of nutrients to recover and hit their stride again. This supplement regimen speeds up the process, while helping to replenish critical nutrition building.


Are there specific ingredients that are heroes that were important to include? Any that work together to become more powerful?


The superhero of the macronutrients (nutrients that the body requires relatively large amounts of) in this regimen is DHA—a long chain omega-3 fatty acid that literally helps optimize brain health.

The superhero of the micronutrients (required in trace amounts) include choline, zinc, iron, and iodine.

Magnesium is like a background worker, helping everything else to their job to the fullest. (It’s like Pepper Pots in Iron Man.)


Why do we need these ingredients in supplement form?


The extra demands of being pregnant, “making a baby,” birthing a baby, and breastfeeding mean that moms require a lot of nutrients. Supplements help moms-to-be to reach optimal health before this process begins, and, post-baby, they can help moms to feel more like themselves quicker while supporting targeted nutrient needs. Food can be good for the healthy maintenance of nutrient levels, but supplements are often needed for replenishment.


While taking this regimen, what kind of diet do you recommend?


Diet is complex and there may not be a one size fits all. What I do find is important is that my mothers (and mothers-to-be) are prescribed a low-inflammatory diet. The most potent and quick (non-pharmaceutical) way to support the body in a healthy way is via the gut bacteria, or microbiome, with a healthy diet and proper supplementation.

Generally, the most inflammatory foods that you want to avoid are:

  • Those fried in vegetable oils

  • Grains, especially wheat: I think for most people, gluten-free grains are okay from time to time, and especially the more traditional ones, such as buckwheat and millet. Some people may need to be strict for quite some time, but for the majority, the 90/10 rule likely applies: It is what you do 90 percent of the time that makes the difference.

  • GMO-foods

  • A1 casein from cow’s dairy

  • Some women will be okay with legumes, and for others, all or some legumes may cause bloating and/or a foggy mind

The diet that usually works best for mothers is:

  • Rich in colorful, above-ground vegetables

  • Includes moderate amounts of below-ground vegetables (take caution with potatoes, though—they are an anomaly because they have a very sugar-like effect on our metabolism)

  • Small amounts of in-season, naturally ripened fruit

  • Moderate amounts of good quality animal products

  • Liberal use of health-regaining fats, such as avocado, coconut, olive oil, butter, cacao butter, quality lards, and duck fat

  • Pre and probiotics are great for the microbiome. Raw fruits like blueberries are a good way to add prebiotics to your diet, and fermented foods are naturally high in probiotics.


What kind of exercise/activity best complements the regiment?


For my mothers, we talk about activity being more important than exercise. A big part of recovery is reducing physical and emotional stress, and establishing or continuing healthy relaxation practices. While it should be stimulating and not sedating, it is important that the activity or exercise is not too stressful for the body and doesn’t put too much strain on muscles and joints.

Walking in nature is great; swimming is a wonderful cardiovascular exercise without joint impact and can be quite meditative. Yoga, pilates, and Qigong can also be terrific because they combine movement with strength, alignment is mindfully based, and you often do these activities in a connected group. For my mothers who are struggling, I find specifically restorative yoga to be very useful.


Are there other lifestyle changes that can make a noticeable difference?


Sleep is the great restorer. I focus a lot on sufficient sleep and quality sleep. For good sleep practices, I recommend that patients minimize clutter in the bedroom, and have a calm wind-down period before bed without TV and social media. You want to avoid blue-light exposure from screens during this time, and also overhead house lights (that mimic sunlight).

Drinking filtered water or bottled spring water to avoid chlorine and fluroide is an easy, useful lifestyle change.

Last: Get support—in what ever form you can get it. Housework, child minding, a babysitter for date night, counseling, relationship support, etc. You don’t get a gold medal for being a parent whom never needs or asks for support. GET SUPPORT!


What kind of impact can people expect the regimen to have and when?


Good, quality sleep has the most immediate benefit, but in general, we typically see incremental improvements in how moms are feeling, with noticeable differences occurring about every two weeks. The initial recovery phase is typically three months, with major improvements experienced at this time. The period to full recovery is another six months—so, nine months total, the gestation time of pregnancy!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Oscar Serrallach graduated from Auckland School of Medicine in New Zealand in 1996. He specialized in general practice, family medicine, and did further training in functional medicine, working in a number of hospital and community-based jobs, as well as in an alternative community in Nimbin that exposed him to nutritional medicine, herbalism, and home birth. He has been working in the Byron Bay area of NSW, Australia since 2001, where he lives with his partner, Caroline, and their three children. Serrallach currently practices at the integrative medicine center, The Health Lodge. He’s the author of The Postnatal Depletion Cure. He also developed the goop vitamin and supplement regimen, The Mother Load, designed to support moms and moms-to-be.

The views expressed in this article intend to highlight alternative studies and induce conversation. They are the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of goop, and are for informational purposes only, even if and to the extent that this article features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.

The Mother Load

Dr. Serrallach’s goop Wellness Protocol

A replenishing postnatal vitamin and supplement protocol that’s also designed to lend a hand to