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Wassailers Punch

Mark’s is part of Mark Hix’s empire of jovial british haunts. The bar serves Hix’s contemporary twists on British bar snacks and famed mixologist Nick Strangeway’s program of old-school cocktails. Among many other successes, Nick is known for his punch recipes.

Boil 500ml of water with 1 stick of cinnamon, 5 cloves, 2 star anise, 2 green cardamom pods, 1 vanilla pod and a grating of nutmeg. Then after 15 minutes add 500g of castor sugar. Stir to dissolve and when cool strain through muslin. This syrup can be kept for up to a month in the fridge.

Grate zest of 6 lemons and add to 100g of castor sugar. Pound together and then add 200ml of lemon juice. Heat if needed to dissolve the sugar and then strain.

For a hot punch, slowly heat all the ingredients in a pan with frozen blackberries, apple chunks and lemon wheels. Just before serving whisk in a knob of butter to give a smooth mouth feel. Serve in sugar rimmed cups and dust each drink with nutmeg. You can make this punch ahead of time and store it in bottles until required, so long as you don’t add the cider and keep it refrigerated, then heat it up to order.