Lemony Agretti Pasta
A very simple preparation lets the agretti shine. (When you’re trying out new ingredients, it’s good to not overpower them.) The lemon zest seems to bring out more of the agretti’s lemony flavor, and the chili flakes add a mellow heat in the background.
1. First, get a pot of salted water boiling to cook the pasta. The sauce will come together quickly, so once you drop the pasta into the boiling water you can get started.
2. Heat the oil over medium heat in a wide shallow pan. Add the garlic and chili flakes, stirring often so it doesn’t burn. After about 3 minutes, it should be fragrant and lightly golden.
3. Add the agretti (depending on the size, you can leave it whole or roughly tear it). Move it around so it cooks gently.
4. By now your pasta should be al dente. Add it directly to the pan, reserving a few tablespoons of the cooking water. Next add the lemon zest and a splash of the pasta water and vigorously stir, allowing the sauce to emulsify and slightly thicken.
Originally featured in Recipes and Strategies to Make the Most of a CSA Box or Any Vegetable Haul