Immune-Boosting Spicy Arugula Pineapple Pop
“Attention, spicy food fans: This pop is for you. A play on a salsa from one of my favorite Mexican restaurants, this pop is a sweet and spicy dream. These are amazing if you feel yourself coming down with a cold, as one jalapeño contains 18 percent of the recommended daily vitamin C, and its spiciness can help clear mucus from your nose and throat. Be careful to remove the seeds and all the white membrane from your pepper before blending, though, or your tongue might get a bit more heat than it’s ready for!”
1. Blend together all the ingredients until very smooth.
2. Pour the mixture into pop molds and freeze for 1 hour, then insert sticks and freeze for at least 4 hours more, or until solid.
Reprinted from GLOW POPS: Super Easy Superfood Recipes to Help You Look and Feel Your Best. Copyright © 2017 by Liz Moody. Photographs copyright © 2017 by Lauren Volo. Published by Clarkson Potter, an imprint of Penguin Random House, LLC.
Originally featured in Superfood Popsicles That Taste as Good as They Look