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Caponata Toast


This classic Sicilian dish is best served on grilled bread at room temperature once flavors have had a chance to mingle.

1. In a large colander sprinkle salt on eggplant to coat and allow to drain for 1-2 hours. (If you don’t have time, you can continue with the recipe but the draining prevents the eggplant from taking  in too much oil while cooking.) Rinse and pat dry.

2. Season eggplant with salt, pepper, oregano and fennel.

3. Coat a large sauté pan with olive oil and place over medium-high heat. Add eggplant and sauté for about five minutes, stirring intermittently for an even cook.

4. When the eggplant’s golden brown, add the onions and sauté for another minute, until translucent.

5. Add garlic, capers, olives and vinegar and cook for 1-2 minutes until the vinegar evaporates.

6. Add tomatoes and turn heat down to medium-low. Simmer for 20 minutes.

7. Meanwhile, drizzle rustic bread slices with olive oil and place in a grill pan over medium high heat. Press down with another pan or a filled tin can for weight and grill until both sides are crispy and golden brown. Take off the grill, move to serving platter and season with sea salt.

8. Once caponata has cooled, spread over grilled bread, garnish with parmesan and parsley if desired, slice in half and serve.