A Holistic Nutritionist’s Easy High-Fiber Bread Recipe
Published on: March 28, 2024

Holistic nutritionist Sarah Britton knows it’s quite a thing to suggest that a loaf of bread could change your life. But then again, not every bread has the nutty, nutrient-packed goodness of her Life-Changing Loaf: Reminiscent of a Danish rye bread, the gluten-free, vegan loaf tastes incredible, especially when toasted and topped with ghee, honey, jam, or your favorite nut butter. It’s great for digestion as well, thanks to a key ingredient—psyllium husk, which not only acts as the binding agent but is also a form of soluble fiber.
We’re such fans of the bread here at goop that Britton agreed to create an exclusive version just for us: Like the original, it’s tasty, nutritious, and easy to make (no kneading required), but it comes with a spring-ready flavor combo. (You can find more exclusive recipes—plus a video demo for the classic Life-Changing Loaf—on My New Roots Grow, Britton’s online subscription service; enter promo code GOOP at checkout to subscribe for $99 a year.)
The Life-Changing Loaf of Bread
When Britton first published this recipe on her then-nascent blog over 10 years ago, she couldn’t have imagined what a massive hit it would become. (In fact, it became so popular that the extra traffic crashed the site, forcing her to buy her own server.) “There are a lot of ways you can incorporate this into your life,” Britton says. Toast it for breakfast, make it into croutons, or cut it into long, thin slices for grissini.
The Life-Changing Loaf with Pistachios, Dried Cherries, and Cardamom
This goop-exclusive version is a gently sweetened spin on the original, with the addition of pistachios, dried cherries, and cardamom—and it’s equally versatile. Britton says it makes a stunning French toast, soaked in a bit of egg and fried in ghee. Or top it with a nut butter and sliced fruit, garnishing it with hempseeds or chia seeds. For easy slicing, make sure the loaf is cooled (or even refrigerated if you’re going for thin slices) and use a sharp nonserrated knife.