Camp Longhorn
1 Camp Longhorn Rd., Burnet
This has long been a go-to camp for generations of Texans, and while it's not fancy, it's tons of fun (case in point, a plane flies over campus and drops gum). Family run, Longhorn began with a single camp on the shores of Inks Lake in 1939, and then expanded to a second location, Indian Springs, which is in the woods of Texas Hill Country, situated on two private, spring-fed lakes. Their third camp, "C3," opens Summer 2016, and is also on Inks Lake, where the original camp is still located. All three camps share many of the same traditions and Longhorn's “Attawaytogo” spirit, i.e. an excitement to try new and different activities. The first Inks Lake location and Indian Springs have two- and three-week terms, and C3 crunches the same experience into one week. For 2nd through 10th graders.