Cavistons Food Emporium
58 Glasthule Rd., Sandycove
Southsiders hold a special place in their hearts for Cavistons, a specialty food store and fishmonger brimming with artisanal Irish (and international) goods. The counter has the most incredible, reliably delicious, array of to-go meals, salads, molten-chocolate cakes, fruit tarts, and freshly baked bread (the rosemary sourdough is killer). Crates of fruit and interesting vegetables you rarely see anywhere else in Dublin—like jackfruit—fill every square foot of floor space. Run since 1940 by the Caviston family, who are on a first name basis with every local, long conversation across the counter, irrespective of whether or not the line is out the door—which it usually is—is the accepted norm. This is the kind of place where suited-and-booted fishmongers good-naturedly fill complimentary bags with fragrant bundles of fresh herbs to pair with the fish, where the young girl manning the patisserie counter immediately puts that Victoria sponge she knows you like to the side so you don’t miss out, where they always find another loaf of soda bread to serve alongside the salmon.