Why Am I So Effing Tired?: The Story Behind the Protocol

Why Am I So Effing Tired?: The Story Behind the Protocol

Dr. Alejandro Junger—our OG expert M.D.—is a trailblazer in functional medicine. (He defined the gold standard in detox—the Clean program—before detoxing was a thing.) He’s helped to put a finger on the feeling of (effing) exhaustion that so many women (and men) feel today. Junger likens the adrenals, the two small glands that sit on top of our kidneys and regulate the fight-or-flight reaction, to the power strip into which our organs are plugged for energy. When they are overworked (because of high stress, non-stop fight-or-flight reactions), we feel tapped out. Here, Junger explains the vitamin and supplement protocol he created with us to address restore our energy and health, and answer the question: Why Am I So Effing Tired?
A Q&A with Dr. Alejandro Junger
Who did you design the regimen for, and who is most likely to benefit?
This regimen is designed for people who are physically and mentally tired.
Are there specific ingredients that are heroes that were important to include?
The heroes in this regimen are the adaptogens—herbs that have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, adaptogens help the body adapt to changing circumstances. The most well-known herb in this blend is Ashwagandha—used to strengthen the immune system and help relieve the body and mind of stress.
Why do we need these ingredients in supplement form?
Some ingredients that address fatigue are not found in most diets today, so it’s important to introduce them in supplement form. While this regimen includes other ingredients that aren’t as difficult to find in food sources, like omega-3 fatty acids and certain plant-derived micronutrients, it’s often difficult to get the amount you need for optimal health; especially for those who could benefit most from taking a supportive supplement.
While taking this regimen, what kind of diet do you recommend?
While on this program, one should know more than anything what not to eat. Avoiding coffee, dairy, sugar, gluten, and alcohol will make this regimen all the more powerful and help you reset your adrenals. Also avoid processed foods full of chemicals, in favor of eating real foods, and make sure to include fruits and vegetables in your diet.
What kind of exercise/activity best complements the regiment?
The best approach is to rest. Get as much sleep as you can—it’s during sleep that our body’s most intense “recharging” occurs. When you’re exhausted, you need time to rebuild. Any strenuous exercise may be counterproductive, so opt for light exercise like restorative yoga, walking, or jumping on a trampoline to get the blood flowing.
Are there other lifestyle changes that can make a noticeable different?
Stress is one of the main causes of fatigue, and the factor that tends to make it hardest to recover. So, anything that you enjoy that helps reduce stress is more than recommended. Meditation is a very powerful stress-busting practice, along with light yoga, and spending time with loved ones.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Founder of the Clean Program and bestselling author of Clean (among other essential health manuals), LA-based cardiologist Alejandro Junger, M.D. graduated from medical school in Uruguay, where he was born. He completed his postgraduate training in internal medicine at NYU Downtown Hospital and a fellowship in cardiovascular diseases at Lenox Hill Hospital before studying eastern medicine in India. Dr. Junger developed the goop vitamin/supplement protocol, Why Am I So Effing Tired?, designed to help support balance in an overtaxed system.
This article is for informational purposes only, even if and regardless of whether it features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. The views expressed in this article are the views of the expert and do not necessarily represent the views of goop.
Dr. Junger’s goop Wellness Protocol
A vitamin and supplement regimen to help support balance in an overtaxed system.