
The (Ageless) Body: Elle Macpherson on Feeling and Looking Good

The (Ageless) Body: Elle Macpherson on Feeling and Looking Good

My old friend Elle Macpherson has always been one of the healthiest people I know. Elle started modeling when she was eighteen years old; the word “supermodel” didn’t really exist before she came on the scene. When you meet her IRL, you just… fall in love. She’s warm, funny, super-outdoorsy, and glowing with inner health. Inexplicably, her body at fifty is just as beautiful as it was at twenty—here, we talked about how she keeps it (and the rest of her) that way, from diet to exercise to attitude.


A Q&A with Elle Macpherson


How do you stay looking (and feeling) as vital and fresh as you do?


For me, it is about living every day as clean, green, and active as I can and listening to what my body needs to operate at its optimum level. I’m vegan at the moment and follow an alkaline diet of organic, seasonal whole foods. Because different greens provide different benefits, I eat a wide variety. I drink plenty of water and take my daily dose of super greens.

When I was younger, I followed a strict routine of high-intensity training, but now, I listen to my body—and mix it up. When I wake up, I think about what my body really needs, whether it’s a swim in the ocean, beach walk, yoga with friends, a bike ride or a boxing class. Mixing it up is fun and helps me stay motivated.

“When I wake up, I think about what my body really needs, whether it’s a swim in the ocean, beach walk, yoga with friends, a bike ride or a boxing class. Mixing it up is fun and helps me stay motivated.”

A good night’s sleep—seven hours a night—is a must. I have a bedtime routine that I try and stick to: a hot shower or bath before bed, a yoga posture meant to help relax the body, and a cup of WelleCo Sleep Welle Calming Tea. It contains hops, valerian, and skullcap to ease stress.


From your older-now perspective, what would you tell your younger self what actually wasn’t worth worrying about, that you worried about at the time?


I’m not a worrier; in my twenties, my livelihood depended on my genetics, but as I’ve matured, I’ve come to realize that good health and beauty starts from within. If I nourish my body properly, it shows on the outside. Nothing to worry about!

When I was about to turn fifty, I started to feel unwell. Suddenly the health and beauty routine that worked in my twenties wasn’t as effective. After consulting my nutritionist Dr. Simone Laubscher, MD, I cleaned up my diet with organic whole foods, started sleeping more, and relaxed into life. The difference in my overall health and well-being was enormous.

Now, I begin my day with hot water and lemon, followed by two teaspoons of THE SUPER ELIXIR supergreens (which is formulated by Dr. Laubscher) in filtered water. It’s made from forty-five premium whole-food ingredients, carefully selected to work together for maximum absorption, which means my body is getting all the essential nutrients it needs straight-up for the day ahead.

“I’m a big believer in good gut health. I know if I nourish my body with clean nutrients for inner wellness, it will show on the outside.”

I’m a big believer in good gut health. I know if I nourish my body with clean nutrients for inner wellness, it will show on the outside. I try to live by this every day, then throw in plenty of love and laughter into the mix.


Conversely, is there anything you wish you’d worried about more?


I wish I had been more careful with my skin. Being Australian, I was on the beach and in the sun all the time–often without any sunscreen (I have always thought I look better with a tan!). As a result, I have lots of freckles all over my body, but there is really no point in doing lasers to remove them because now I live under the sun in Miami! If I’m on the beach, I wear a rashie to protect my arms and slather myself in 50+ SPF.