5 Favorite Things From: Jill Kargman
Published on: November 1, 2022

It’s a well-known fact that author and actress Jill Kargman is the guest who everyone wants at their dinner party. For starters, she’s laugh-out-loud funny, in that kind of clever, self-aware way we all aspire to be. Now, along with her sharper-than-sharp commentary on New York society (read Wolves in Chic Clothing and watch Odd Mom Out on Bravo to get a taste) and her deep kindness, not to mention her amazing tips on how to maintain that famous porcelain skin, we get to borrow some of her trademark wit for our own correspondence: She has collaborated (brilliantly and hilariously) with the digital stationery app HiNote. Here, some Kargman favorites, from the goop face oil that totally surprised her to the Ciao Lucia dress that seemed to be designed especially for her.
HiNote, freeI always send handwritten thank-you notes—Dear Annabelle stationery at dearannabelle.com is a fave—but I have recently upgraded my text game with this amazing app. It’s so much cooler than blue or green blobs. I just did a collab with them for my own digital stationery—I hope you dig!
goop Beauty GOOPGENES All-in-One Super Nutrient Face Oil
goop, $98/89 with subscriptionGwyneth so kindly sent me her face oil, but as someone haunted by the ghost of cystic acne past, I was loath to smear grease on my dermis for fear of legit Mount Vesuvius sprouting from my schnoz. But once I heard so many people swear by it, I decided to give it a try. Since I don’t abide by goop’s pound-ginormous-jugs-of-water-all-day rule because of my edamame-size bladder, this oil is an amazing way to stay hydrated—and not a zit in sight.
Brilliantly Warm
Brilliantly, $180I had a double mastectomy, which really plunged my bod into hormone crisis, resulting in being cold a lot. I just met an incredible female founder, Kristen Carbone, who lost her mom to metastatic breast cancer and then, when she herself had a preventive mastectomy and reconstruction, went through the same ordeal with feeling cold and found that implants actually draw heat and make you shiver. (I felt so vindicated—I thought it was just aging and low blood pressure.) She invented this wearable technology for women: chargeable warming pads you can stick in your bra and truly warm your entire bod with. It’s not just people in the breast cancer community who are wearing them but also skiers and people with cramps or any pain at all.
Ciao Lucia Pirro dress
goop, $435I’m always drawn to grosgrain ribbons and bows: I even have a tattoo of one on my wrist. I saw this dress and freaked. It arrived last week, so I haven’t had a chance to wear it since it’s already freezing in New York, but I have a feeling I’ll live in it next summer.
Sleepy Jones x The Carlyle pajamas
Sleepy Jones, $350I was lucky enough to be in the fall campaign for the Carlyle hotel, wearing their new yummy cotton pj’s by Sleepy Jones. I used to be a T-shirt-and-underwear sleeper, but since the pandemic (and my recent body change—see above), I prefer cozy sets for snoozin’.