The Beauty Closet
Sneak Peak: The Beauty Closet
July 12, 2019
What’s the secret to the world’s glowiest skin? Why use clean, nontoxic personal-care products? (And what’s the easiest way to make the shift?) Can lasers and injectables really make a person look better? What skin-care tips and hair ideas are worthwhile? What does it mean to look and feel pretty or sexy or even beautiful? And can we—should we—try to sustain that as we get older? We're here to answer all your beauty questions—starting July 24. Our newest podcast hosts are goop editors Jean Godfrey-June and Megan O’Neill, coworkers and good friends who love a great tip almost as much as they love clean, nontoxic beauty and chatting with the world’s top beauty experts. Subscribe now so that you don’t miss an episode.